I had a drink the other day, opinions were like kittens I was giving them away.
I really don't remember hitting you right between the eyes with a cig packet. Hahhaa that would of been so funny, just because I think it would be the last thing you were expecting. Sorry btw. But given the chance again I would probably do exactly the same. I was far too drunk - too much vino. I remember managing to string together the same few words over and over.
Oh, what better way to put me in my place! The thing is, was it even intentional? I'm not sure whether it was or not you know. I'd like to say it wasn't but I'm just not sure.
I'm so sick of listening to you complaining about shit and then going and doing stuff like this. I mean, what are you expecting me to do anymore?
It's like window shopping. Peering in at something that you can't have.
It's all about giving yourself two chances: the chance to be the best, and the chance to not be the worst. These two things sound similar but they are totally different and there is a huge gap between them. If you don't give yourself two chances you only have one chance - the chance to be the best. And this hardly ever happens. Double your chances and instantly halve your odds before anything else is taken into consideration.
In a way it's the best position to have nothing to lose and everything to gain. What's the worst that could happen? The worst that could happen is that nothing happens in which case I'd be back to where I started from. The best case scenario is that something does happen and then I'm onto a winner. Short stacks can easily push with any two cards, like above it's about giving yourself two chances. Make the other person make the decision. Make them ask themselves if they really are the best, are they dominating, or is it a straight 50-50 race; a coinflip?
So when you try and fix something with the 'not right' spare part, it's never going to work. But that isn't the fault of the spare part. It would work perfectly in the right situation, it's jus that it's not suited to this one and no matter how mad you get at it, or hit it with a hammer, there is no way it will work. If you want to fix it you need to get the right parts for the job. See the part isn't 'wrong', it's just 'not right' and there is also a massive difference between those two concepts.
So there we are. 8 paragraphs about 8 different things, all wrapped up in nice similies and metaphors.
Oh, ps. you're nothing special.