Went out for Tom's birthday, and after a bit of a disaster involving three bbq's, some burnt-as-f*ck veggie sausage and a lady who hadn't eaten for 9 months because she had ulcers we made it to Leeds. Tom went in a hot tub with, well I dunno who, I was dancing with my eyes closed for three hours (I was drunk and happy and high (on life not drugs)) and when he came back Gav threw Tom's boxers at a girls face. I don't think she minded. She was drunk.
We finished Absence. It's made. It's done. WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Giving a presentation to the rest of the CVG course tomorrow, Richard said he would try and get some people from industry in too, so that should rock. I'll be posting up some screenshots, videos and where you can download it from in the next week or so. If you like games, or you know someone who likes games, or maybe even you just want to try a game that isn't a typical video game then you should give Absence a try. Similarly if you like me, or know someone who likes me, or just want to see what I've been staying up till 2am to work on then you should give Absence a try.
How's this for an offer: it's quite a big download, so if you cant be arsed or you have a slow connection, get in touch and let me have your postal address and I'll send you out a boxed version on cd for free. Can't say fairer than that.