actually it didnt blow up, but the psu fan did stop working which meant that it was running at about a million degrees C...which isn't too great. this also resulted in my graphics card getting fried. which sucks. tomorrow looks like i have to spend some cash that i dont have on new parts.
oh im back from leeds fest btw. what a damn cool 5 days. you know those things that usually happen to 'other people'? well one of those things happened to me for once. this kicked ass. i saw the sky so much that day cos i was walking with my head held high instead of searching the ground for a nice hole to skulk into.
had a telephone interview today. said they would let me know 'if i'd been successful within the next six weeks'.
after standing in a field in the cold and very very very heavy rain for a bit i seem to have given myself a nice sore throat, achey joints, and bouts of sneezing fits. ace.
does anyone else tweak after drinking strong coffee, or is that just my pussy ass?
hell you try having a BMI of 16.1 (im running at 112 pounds at the moment. heaviest ive ever been is 119, but ive lost a bit of that lately (not even intentionally))
so yeah, you try having a BMI of 16.1 and not getting screwed up off tiny amounts of chemicals.
ummm think thats all for now.
ooooh. any more of you f*ckers wanna post your spam sh!t that i have to keep deleting and i something. (thats an open threat cos i cant think of anything menacing at the moment)