The good thing about driving to work at 5.45am is that there is very little traffic about. It's quite peaceful watching the street lights float past (darkness and lights are a good mix for me, especially when in a car, always have been). The bad things about driving to work at 5.45am are that it's freezing cold, and it's terribly early, unless of course you are still awake from the night before, in which case you must of had a good night.
Yup, pruv has gotten himself a job, I doubt I will be committing my life to it though, it's more one of those 'temporary' things that allow me to earn some money while looking for a job in games. But, to be fair I think I may well be one of those who fall into the trap of not reaching my goal.
I've been wondering a lot about university. Was it worth it? Well, meh, I think if I'm honest then yes it was, of course it was. Best 3 years of my life? Hmm perhaps. Certainly good times for the most part. I really wish I could go back and take the same classes with the same people all over again.
It's crazy how you see the same people nearly every day, and then there comes a time when you don't see them any more. I very much doubt that I will ever see everyone from my class at uni together in the same place at the same time ever again. But for 3 years we were all together in the CVG rooms. I hope they're all alright and doing well for themselves. There are probably a lot of people who I should email. I really don't want to lose touch.
It's crazy how you don't write anything in your blog for a while, and then you get into a posting pictures phase, and then you return to writing pointless thoughts, much like you used to do.