been so bored lately. you know when nothing seems to have any point to it, and when you start out something and then a couple of hours later you are completely bored and de-motivated by it. well, im in one of those stages. i
need to model something because i can feel myself getting out of practise. not only that, but i want to feel like i've achieved something again. the other night (i think it was last night infact) the clouds of alcohol cleared long enough for me to get an idea for a mod.
i've had a couple of ideas for models that i wanted to make recently, and then i got this mod idea, and it seemed perfect because i could tie all those models into it. perhaps it's not so much a full mod, more of a single level demo, but the game we worked on earlier this year has had over 1,000 downloads and that was a single level affair, so maybe it would be worth taking this forward. im not sure at the moment.
i think im gonna start getting a concept doc and gdd together (after 3 years of doing this kinda thing at uni its not so much a big deal). i guess the biggest things i have to consider are 1) validity - whether this idea is water tight enough to justify the amount of work that i will have to put into it (im guestimating that it will be at least a couple of months, hopefully would be ready before christmas if i got started soon though). and 2 - whether to try and talk to some guys from uni about it, or whether it's something that i am able to cope with myself. i'm very conscious of the scope of what i can achieve, and i think really there isn't anything too taxing in the design. i just dont want to be too close to everything to not be able to see which things need improving, or cutting out all together.
i have a friend who is a really great level designer. im planning on talking to him about it, maybe bounce a few ideas around. i dunno, maybe i will get bored of this idea and ditch it in a couple of days too.