Tuesday, January 03, 2006

You may say I'm a dreamer...

...but you would be wrong. I've never been one of those people who dreams a lot, or rather, if I do dream a lot, then I never remember those dreams. I'm in a funny mood today - I was awake till about 5am, so I'm feeling a little weird at the moment and Modest Mouse isn't bringing me back to earth all that quickly.

What I do remember though is that for years I've had two re-occurring dreams. Not the exact same dream over and over again, but the main content of the dream is always the same which just some slight changes in context. The first is the dream where you feel like you are falling. You know the feeling you get from jumping off a really high wall, or out of a really tall tree, or when the rollercoaster gets to the top of the climb and suddenly plummets downwards, or when you drive over the top of a hill too fast; that feeling you get when your stomach seems to fly up somewhere near your adam's apple. I feel like I'm falling and there's nothing I can do but endure the ride knowing that soon I'll hit whatever is at the bottom. Then I semi wake up and have to grab the mattress to make sure that it is still there. For the next couple of minutes my heart pounds and my breathing is heavy then I drift off to sleep again.

The second is a dream where I am being chased, either by something, or someone. I don't know why they are chasing me, and I don't know what they want to do if they catch me. Beat me up? Kill me? Who knows. But I am so scared of being caught, I feel like an animal being hunted. I can never stop and take a rest, I always have to keep moving, fast, and I always have to keep checking over my shoulder. Whenever I have this dream I always remember feeling a lot of stress in the dream. Luckily for me it always ends just before whoever catches me.

I tend to get these dreams at random, there doesn't appear to be a certain trigger for them, they occur at varying intervals, sometimes I get both in the same night, sometimes I get one and the other doesn't come for months. I can't think of a certain circumstance or feeling that triggers them, which seems odd to me.


Blogger kay said...

i get that falling dream a lot, too. and i always feel like i'm going to have a heart-attack everytime i get that oh-god-i'm-falling feeling.

1:42 PM, January 04, 2006  
Blogger Sig F. Reid said...

yeah bro... i did had a great new year and still having it...

i see dreaming in several different ways...

- silly and random that my subconscious produces to clean out my psyche

- repressed emotions surfacing in my unconscious state

- intuitive dreaming, a message, you might say a bit vision of what's to come

whatever i categorize it... i analyze it carefully and try not to jump into a rush conclusion

i interpret my dreams in steps:

1. i try to think of the day, days, weeks, or even a month or months before the dream happened. usually a month old will suffice. if it's something of this nature -> desires, problems, emotions, etc., connected to my present situation... then i think of it as a manifestation of what had happened to me before which i failed to dealt with or dealt with it insufficiently.

2. next is try to recall the images in my dream and its significant to me. if i know the person or the representation of the person, object or whatever image it was. i try to recall the impressions or feelings that i had while dreaming it.

3. after doing that, i try to see the relevance of it in my present state,

if the dream is connected to the past activities that i did, and seems a bit trivial... i consider it fun and silly.

if the dream is connected to my emotions or past problems, i try to re-access my stand on it.

if the dream doesn't fall on either too, then, i know, then, it was something else forthcoming.

i know i'm weird and i've mentioned that before in my blog about having a forthcoming dream about someone or something is about to happen. but hey, it's me ... what do you expect... MAJOR WEIRDO!

like i've always said... sometimes, i solve my problems when i go sleep and when i wake up, i have a better perspective in handling it... :P

so for fun... my book of dreams... says that

falling indicates a sudden loss... something more intangible like a loss of dream, of love, of freedom, etc... or it could be that eat ate something that didn't agree with you that triggered it

being chased or running away from something or someone, or hiding from something or someone indicates that an unsatisfactory condition in your past or past actions still reaches you with its vibration. it could me that you have to forget past actions, guilts, misgivings etc., and move on.

in short, interpreting a dream is like connecting a dot... with you think it is tied to your past experiences, emotions etc., then there's a probability that it could mean something... if you really can't find the connection and a voice deep inside you agrees with your conclusion then it could really mean nothing, a silly dream...

but if you feel that a dream is forthcoming and you know in your gut and feel it so... then it's a compass giving you guidance to the kind of action you could take...

i see dreaming a something tied to our emotions, experiences, desires and memory

whew! that's a mouthful of idiot talk that i just did! boy, here i go again wasting space! hehehe

8:13 PM, January 04, 2006  
Blogger pruvaloo said...

keys: god yeah! i wish i would either think 'hey this is just a dream' so that i could enjoy the ride. or dream that i have a parachute and could stop the free-fall at any time. but nooooooo

free: wow man, just simply wow! it means a lot to me that anyone reads the rubbish that i post up here, never mind actually think about it, not to mention write about it, so thanks man :D

i like your way of looking at your dreams (hell i like your way of looking at life!) i want to see more 'idiot talk'

a lot more

cheers dude

10:34 AM, January 05, 2006  
Blogger Sig F. Reid said...

back at ya, bro! the sentiment is mutual! :P

7:39 PM, January 05, 2006  

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