1/2 and 1/2?
I thought up this post in the early hours one morning when I couldn't sleep, so it may not make much sense. And yes, I'm bored so I thought I may aswell post it.
This was brought up in a conversation a couple of days ago, and it got me thinking about the perfect balance in relationships. 'Opposites attract' - while this is certainly true in the world of magnetism, I'm not so sure it holds strength in other areas. I think if two people are so different that they are opposite to each other, then the outcome is going to be a relationship where both the people feel, well I guess lonely is the word. I think that each person wouldn't really appreciate the other person, not through lack of trying, but just because of the gap between them.
On the other hand, if two people are exactly the same this can be just as bad. Yeah there's someone there to answer you when you talk, but you still feel lonely. There may aswell be no one there for the good it does either of you. I think, for me at least, the perfect mix is somewhere in the middle.
Both sides are the same shape - in that respect they are exactly identical, however, they are opposite colours yet they fit together perfectly to make a whole. And I think that's what a good relationship is, something that is a whole, but made up of two very easily identified parts.
This was brought up in a conversation a couple of days ago, and it got me thinking about the perfect balance in relationships. 'Opposites attract' - while this is certainly true in the world of magnetism, I'm not so sure it holds strength in other areas. I think if two people are so different that they are opposite to each other, then the outcome is going to be a relationship where both the people feel, well I guess lonely is the word. I think that each person wouldn't really appreciate the other person, not through lack of trying, but just because of the gap between them.
On the other hand, if two people are exactly the same this can be just as bad. Yeah there's someone there to answer you when you talk, but you still feel lonely. There may aswell be no one there for the good it does either of you. I think, for me at least, the perfect mix is somewhere in the middle.

thanks for saying the things you said re: my post.
you really hit the core of what i really what to point out in the second paragraph of your comment. i'll expound on it why on wednesday morning in my riposte.
i just arrived home from a long trip... the holiday is really wasting me out... parties here and there... hehehehe...
so, now, i have enuff energy left to comment on your post... :P
yin yang... the extreme opposite, the proverbial truth of life and our existence...
and once again, dang, bro... you nailed it...
"... the perfect mix is somewhere in the middle."
you're a *certified old soul* hehehe
in a relationship, i often say this to my friends and people that i counsel...
"we are our own individual selves, halves... we find someone or drawn to someone not because they are totally like us or totally opposite to us... to some degree they are... but we are drawn to them because they compliment our strengths and weaknesses... they fill the gap within us... it teaches us who we truly are with their strengths and weaknesses that they possesses and vice-versa
the only catch here is finding the balance that harmonizes all things... :o)
makes sense. i think a 'perfect' relationship is perfect not because you and your partner are completely the same, but because you complement each other perfectly.
(i guess 'complement' would be the operative word here.)
free: sounds like you had a good time :) its a hard life partying all the time but someone's gotta do it eh lol
woooo go me :D i'm gonna hang that certificate on my wall and show it off every chance i get!
and you are so right about the only catch being able to find the perfect or exact balance.
ray ray: i agree, there do need to be some things that are similar (i find anyway) but also some differences, i guess that's what keeps the interest alive long after all the lusty feelings have reduced somewhat
keys: 'complement' is a good word! it's just a shame that people find it so hard to find their 'complimentary partner'...that sounds like something an airline would give you on a long flight to keep boredom at bay, but that's another story...
That is a very cool story :D
"Enjoy being single, wrench the very most out of it that you can because when you do meet "the one" (and you will, it's the law of averages) you can't and won't want to go back. Savor every day because in the end, it's all good, right?"
And very good advice, along the lines of 'live everyday like it's your last, because one day it will be'. I tend to get tied up by worrying about the bigger picture rather than just enjoying the ride. Which I think is something that I should change.
"Live life. Alone or together. Live it well. Peace."
I love that, and I can see myself stealing that quote ;) lol
Aww I'm in a happy mood now...if only I could bottle this feeling and save it for rainy days. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to comment, and for sharing such great, erm, philosophies I think would be the word I'm looking for. And you're right, at the end of the day it is all good!
Peace back at ya :D
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