Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pack it up, ship it out.

Hope the new banner meets with approval (the design is linked in with my new look portfolio site, which should be going live sometime next week), it's hopefully all contemporary and cutting edge. Hopefully.

I'm sitting looking at a vast amount of camping stuff, metaphorically of course because in actual fact I'm looking at the computer monitor, and wondering if it will all fit in the car, if I will be able to carry it all, and in truth, if I really need all the things I'm taking. I've tried to keep it to the bear minimum, essential items: food, clothes, a tent, various chemicals and the like. The bottle of La Fèe Absinthe is looking at me, her dark green eyes tempting me to sample her 68% abv goodness. But Pruvaloo will be strong, he remembers all too well how his first date with Mademoiselle Fèe went. The first few hours were a mix of heady fun and singing - brought on not only by a high alcohol content, but also by the traces of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). The final few hours were gut-wrenching. He's going to treat her with a lot more respect this year.


Blogger pruvaloo said...

Thanks bud :)

yeah if you can get hold of some it is well worth it - she's a fiesty mistress though.

12:18 PM, August 24, 2005  

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