Monday, July 24, 2006


so after phone calls to 3 different organisations, and being passed through 7 different departments my plans for the future are somewhat shattered.

i really didn't want to be another graduate to leave uni and end up in a low payed low skilled job. i actually wanted my degree to be worth the 3 grand it cost me.


Blogger Livin said...

The trick is to keep trying, cause something gives eventually. And to have belief and faith in what you really want to do.

I know what I say 'sucks'when ground reality is so different, but your very own Winston Churchill said, 'never never never never give up.' Cheer up!

4:12 AM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger pruvaloo said...

I guess you're right, i mean every single new day is amazing because absolutely anything can happen in that day - there's so many oppertunities.

problem is that instead of seeing another day of oppertunities that could happen, i see another day of oppertunities that didn't happen.

bah. at least the weathers good at the moment...that's something.

3:42 PM, July 26, 2006  
Blogger pruvaloo said...

when i try and convince myself of that, i tend to end up telling myself not to listen to me because im only say it to make me feel better...

wow you really need to be sober for that to even start making sense.

but yeah, any tips that make convincing yourself easier?

10:51 PM, July 31, 2006  

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