Tuesday, September 06, 2005

An old friend.

These past couple of days I've been getting reacquainted with an old friend. Her name is 'skateboarding'. I've devoted many years of my life to her, she's introduced me to some fantastic people, and places. She has given me memories that I will enjoy for the rest of my life.

She can be a harsh mistress sometimes - cuts, grazes, bruises etc...who needs razor blades when you can shred your skin on asphalt, but she also rewards the people who are loyal to her. She gives you a feeling that can't be matched. No matter how much you pay the local drug dealer he WILL NOT be able to sell you that shit. No way.

Skating was the main way for me to unload stuff for years, it allowed me to be creative, to be with friends, hell, just to be outside in the fresh air and fine weather. It also gave me the mentality that I have today. A 'normal' person may look at architecture and see a building, or a car park, or a set of stairs...I look at the same thing and see lines. I see how I can flow from one area to another. I see how I could do X, Y or even Z over that bank, down those stairs, or over that curb. It lets you see beauty in places that normally don't have beauty.

It's been one of the things that has always been there for me. It's one of the things that won't leave me when someone better comes along. It's one of the things that I won't drive away - no matter what. I'm not inferior to skating - her and me are equal. We're the couple who can't be broken apart. Sure we have our arguments, we've even had separations. But you know what? At the end of the day, she's in love with me, and I'm in love with her.

Skateboarding is an old friend.


Blogger pruvaloo said...

I remember skating being a lot easier, and falling off didnt seem to hurt as much lol

Ive never tried snowboarding, but I'd really like to, I bet carving down a mountainside is a pretty awesome feeling

" It can mean the difference between a life worth living and one that's not, in my opinion."

Yes indeed, and thats how I was starting to feel, I dunno, maybe I still do. Ive got some stuff about that to write in another post.

Cheers for commenting, as usual :D

5:23 PM, September 07, 2005  
Blogger Sig F. Reid said...

can't say anything about it, my friend who was into skateboarding tried to teach me, but he failed miserably. guess, skateboarding and i are not meant to be :)

i have a knack of pissing off people... when i choose... hehehe... nah, i wouldn't be doing it again, well, not anytime soon, coz like you said... there are more things i can put my energy...

i made my point... my premise was proven with my simple experiment... that's something to cheer about...

thanks for always dropping by my blog site whenever you have time... :)

5:50 PM, September 07, 2005  
Blogger pruvaloo said...

Yeah I guess its one of those things, either happens or it doesnt....at least you dont have to go through all the aches and pains :D

"thanks for always dropping by my blog site whenever you have time... :)"

Its always an enjoyable read, and the same to you :)

10:46 AM, September 08, 2005  

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