Lords of DogTown.

I had a 'buy one ticket, get another one free' token for the cinema, and it needed to be used up by the end of September, so yesterday night myself and Phill went to see 'The Lords Of DogTown'. It wasn't showing at the place I usually go to, so we had to venture to the one on the other side of Bradford. Well we got there easy enough without getting lost, paid our money, got our free ticket, we walk into screen 11 (where our film was showing) and it's empty. Completely empty. There's not a single soul there to see this film apart from us. This had never happened to me before, but it was so cool having to whole place to ourselves. We could sit where we wanted, talk as loud as we wanted, not have to put up with annoying kids, or the couple in the back row who are getting it on no matter which cinema you go to. Pruvaloo's decided that this is a rocking way to see films.
The film itself was good, very good - put me in the mood for a skate sesh straight afterwards. I came outside and the night was so beautiful, there was a clear, dark sky illuminated by a bright full moon. As I was being propelled homeward at just over 110mph I looked out of the window. The night was so still and calm, the lights at the side of the motorway where warm yellowy-orange dots, appearing for a fraction of a second, and then disappearing far behind us into the night. There's something appealing about the way tarmac looks at night. Empty, still, and bathed in warm light. I remember thinking the same thing once when I was in Wales.
It was the night before you're 17th birthday, and we decided to go for a drive. Well, it was about 11 when we set off, and we just drove around for hours. I really enjoyed that night. Midnight came, and you turned 17. I wished you happy birthday. That night was so perfect. Things have changed now, but I bet those roads still look the same.
yeah... it's way kewl to have the cinema almost to yourself...
my friends and i discovered a cinema just like that... hope it stay that way... hehehe
I agree 100%
free: yeah dude, hope I can find another film that no one else wants to see sometime soon :)
vincent: cheers for your comment, hope to see you around this way again :)
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