12(ish) hours in my company
Ok, yeah, about time I tried this little experiment, if nothing else it will prove to anyone (and myself) how utterly wasted my days in general are. I can't decide whether this will be long or short, or even a good idea, but this is my blog, and it's the only diary/journal-esque thing I've ever written in for more than a week, so why not.
12.40pm been up about an hour and a half. Had to make some changes to a logo for a shipping company (or something to do with ships), got that done and sent off. Had a coffee - the first of many today I reckon. I've got a ton of stuff to do for Absence and I don't seem to be making much progress with it lately. Argg.
I've had a song on repeat since last night:
I called it in the air
like I was the only one who could understand
the way the cards fall
My expression plays a great false hand;
It's not what I'm about but I'm done and out and I know I can't
see past this broken dream
Though we all know, things aren't always what they seem
And I'll try my best to stay on top of this situation. I'm all tied in knots.
I'm on the outside of this party thrown for two, I'm on the downside
I'm on the wrong side of this team I knew would lose, I'm on the down side
I called it in the air
like I was the only one
who could understand the cards fall
2.21pm okay this song is getting quite annoying now. Time for a change.
2.28pm Arrrggg NO!!! My pillow is nearly 6 foot tall and about 12 feet long. Attack of theKiller Tomatoes Killer Pillow. Does anyone remember that cartoon by the way? I used to watch it most Saturdays along with Captain Planet.
you know the drill, click for a larger version - 10 points to anyone who can name ALL the things I have running in my taskbar.
Level design and all the clever Hammer scripty stuff by Olly. Textures are just HL2 placeholders for now. Giant pillow and texture by me :)
3.33pm coffee time and god damn myspace.
3.39pm Just had a phone call from Tom, gonna walk down to HP with him and Conny. *Shock horror I'm actually leaving the house!!*
5.22pm BACK. Gotta do some work on a set of banners for a company in Australia...kinda stuck for ideas at the moment though :(
7.03pm right got a sort of rough draft done, just about to send it off. Dunno if they will like it or not, but at least it gives me a base to work from. It feels weird being so light at this time after being used to months of dark nights. The clock above my computer is still an hour behind, and out of habit I glance at it every so often - only sometimes remembering that it's showing the wrong time.
7.24pm sent the first draft off....myspace has....me in its......grasps.......again......
8.00pm C is for coffee
8.28pm I've just downloaded the latest build of Absence, only it seems that somehow when I run it, it isn't compiling interior lights. *shakes fist* damn game dev, then again whenever I say that at uni Dan K always points out that if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
Should probably be doing some work really, but I can't be bothered. I'm gonna go and watch a Clarkson DVD, I've got some new Alchemy Gothic incense sticks too hurrah.
10.34pm back again. Sore throat from the smoke lol.
11.22pm Gonna call it a day...didn't quite manage the 12 hours, but nearly. Ahh well I can always try again. Going to Halifax and Leeds tomorrow with Phill. Woop.
12.40pm been up about an hour and a half. Had to make some changes to a logo for a shipping company (or something to do with ships), got that done and sent off. Had a coffee - the first of many today I reckon. I've got a ton of stuff to do for Absence and I don't seem to be making much progress with it lately. Argg.
I've had a song on repeat since last night:
I called it in the air
like I was the only one who could understand
the way the cards fall
My expression plays a great false hand;
It's not what I'm about but I'm done and out and I know I can't
see past this broken dream
Though we all know, things aren't always what they seem
And I'll try my best to stay on top of this situation. I'm all tied in knots.
I'm on the outside of this party thrown for two, I'm on the downside
I'm on the wrong side of this team I knew would lose, I'm on the down side
I called it in the air
like I was the only one
who could understand the cards fall
2.21pm okay this song is getting quite annoying now. Time for a change.
2.28pm Arrrggg NO!!! My pillow is nearly 6 foot tall and about 12 feet long. Attack of the

Level design and all the clever Hammer scripty stuff by Olly. Textures are just HL2 placeholders for now. Giant pillow and texture by me :)
3.33pm coffee time and god damn myspace.
3.39pm Just had a phone call from Tom, gonna walk down to HP with him and Conny. *Shock horror I'm actually leaving the house!!*
5.22pm BACK. Gotta do some work on a set of banners for a company in Australia...kinda stuck for ideas at the moment though :(
7.03pm right got a sort of rough draft done, just about to send it off. Dunno if they will like it or not, but at least it gives me a base to work from. It feels weird being so light at this time after being used to months of dark nights. The clock above my computer is still an hour behind, and out of habit I glance at it every so often - only sometimes remembering that it's showing the wrong time.
7.24pm sent the first draft off....myspace has....me in its......grasps.......again......
8.00pm C is for coffee
8.28pm I've just downloaded the latest build of Absence, only it seems that somehow when I run it, it isn't compiling interior lights. *shakes fist* damn game dev, then again whenever I say that at uni Dan K always points out that if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
Should probably be doing some work really, but I can't be bothered. I'm gonna go and watch a Clarkson DVD, I've got some new Alchemy Gothic incense sticks too hurrah.
10.34pm back again. Sore throat from the smoke lol.
11.22pm Gonna call it a day...didn't quite manage the 12 hours, but nearly. Ahh well I can always try again. Going to Halifax and Leeds tomorrow with Phill. Woop.
this just made me realize how much time i (can) spend on the computer, too.
uh oh.
it's all pretty crazy huh
i want it to be nice weather outside so i can sit around on grass and laugh and have a beer and not be infront of a monitor
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