Thursday, October 06, 2005


Free Vergara Paguia has got me thinking a lot recently about the things I do, and don't believe in...I thought it better to turn this into a post rather than a huge comment.

Ok, so am I a religious person? That all depends on how you define religion. I don't go to church every Sunday, in fact, I am only found in a church for either a wedding or a funeral. I don't read a Bible regularly, I think in the past six months I have read 1 extract from the Bible that was given to me by The Gideons International when I started high school. I have owned that book for 9 years now, and I have read something from it a grand total of 3 or 4 times that I can remember. The point that I'm making is, I'm not going to be seen as being religious by anyone.

However...I think I do have a religion. I have my own God, and my own set of rules that work for me. For me, traditional organized religion doesn't work; sure there are parts that I agree with, being kind to others, being faithful in marriage etc, however there are also parts that I am totally against. I like to know reasons for things, I like to know how things work, and I hate contradictions. In my opinion, blind faith is one of the worst things. I have no problem with anyone believing anything they like, but they should have a reason for that belief. Why believe something just for the sake of belief? Personally, I need some form of reason to believe things.

I'm still confused a lot by this kinda stuff. Part of me wants there to be a 'God' (or a spirit or whatever you want to call him/her/it)...I want my loved ones to be in some kind of heaven, and I guess I like the idea of the human race not being 'all alone' as it were.

The other half of me thinks that our planet is just a load of particles and atoms that just happen to have spawned life. It's no big deal, out of all the planets, in all the galaxies, the rule of probability says that there would be at least one somewhere that had life on it. It just so happened that life occurred on the third rock from the Sun, in the Milky Way. Humans don't have souls - the factors that determine what kind of person you are include: upbringing, past experiences, abilities, talents, environment you grew up in, environment you live in, things that have happened to you etc.

So, as you can see, there are two very conflicting arguments going on inside me.


Blogger Sig F. Reid said...

Man, heavy shit. Hope I didn't twist your arms in making your head hurts! (I'm just kidding!)

Each one of us has his/her own moral universe. A universe that defines who we are. And, I'm a strong believer that one should live and create his own moral universe given that it doesn't harm or invade other people's realm.

I also believe that it is better to ask all the questions even there are no available answers, seek the truth even if it seems a complex thing to do rather than be quiet, chew all things down without any objection and do nothing.

On the lighter side, yes, I laugh at the opening scene of the movie too. I always laughed hard at the wax scene and when Andy pissed all over his face.

Enjoy the weekend. Great post! Hope to read more.

10:42 PM, October 07, 2005  
Blogger Sig F. Reid said...

boo boo in my typing skills...

i meant ... I also laughed hard at the wax scene and when Andy pissed all over his face.


10:45 PM, October 07, 2005  
Blogger pruvaloo said...

Hehehe nah, thankfully my head aint too bad at the moment, Im sure I'll be thinking more though, so expect to read some more.

Lol, the wax scene....makes my eyes water...and if only I knew a girl like the one that works in that book that would be so good!! :D

8:22 PM, October 08, 2005  
Blogger pruvaloo said...

I guess not, I think that's just how I see them, makes it easier for me to comprehend. It's almost as if they are seperate entities, and I kinda pick and mix between the two.

4:55 PM, October 10, 2005  

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