Crashing cars.

The other night (they'd just finished doing a late shift at work) two of my friends where driving back home. They live about 10 minutes drive from the hotel where they work. They pulled up to some traffic lights, and seeing as the light was red, they sat and waited. The light turns to green, and my friend pulls away from the lights.
It's a cross roads. They are heading straight forward. As they start pulling away from the lights a car speeds past heading 'across' the cross roads. This car had jumped the red light, but luckily it missed my friend's car....just, but it missed. Then SMASH. A second car speeds into my friend's, sending them spinning, and leaving their car pointing in the direction they had just come.
The car that crashed into them had 3 people in it, they all got out, and without even checking on my friends they just ran off towards the first speeding car, got in, and were gone. Yup, the two cars had been stolen by joy riders, and they were racing each other in the early hours, both skipped the red light. Like I said, luckily the first one missed, but the second one totally wrote off the car my friends were travelling in.
The photo shows how the front of the car is pretty much totally gone. If they had left work 30 seconds earlier, or if they had driven at 2mph quicker, then chances are the stolen car would of hit right on the driver's door. Thinking about it like that, I'm really lucky that I still have two of my friends. I can't get my head around how the car thieves could of killed them, yet they didn't even care to check they were alright before running away. YOU MOTHERF*CKING COWARDS. F*CK YOU.
Anyways, I reckon Tom only wrote off his car, cos I did the same to mine a couple of years ago with the help of a Volvo, a lamp-post, and a dry-stone wall. Either way, I'm just glad that they are ok, and that the walked away un-harmed, and that they will be with me on Friday to help me celebrate.

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