Friday, September 16, 2005

Well what a difference a day makes...

About half an hour I was walking through town. Someone send me a text, using a phrase I'd forgotten about. Well, let me explain, it's a phrase taken from a skate film, and we used to say alternate lines to each other. Sounds pretty dull heh. The point is when I read her message it brought such a smile to my face. Made me think about last summer, and how cool it was, how happy we both were. So as I carried on walking I started thinking: I had the sun shining down on me, I was at uni doing what I wanted to do, there's everychance I'll be able to get a job doing what I want to do, and of course I'd remembered my phrase.

Life can seem pretty hard at times, but I guess for the majority of the time it's only as complicated as we make it for ourselves. At the end of the day, no matter how much a person hurts you, if they think about you enough to stay in touch, then they can't be all bad right. And so long as you have people who think about you, and you are basically doing what you want with your life, then you haven't gone far wrong. This is quite an extreme U turn in my emotions, but I get that. One minute I'm euphoric, the next I'm in the depths of depression. The sun's shining really brightly today - that always picks my mood up.

So all is well, for the time being anyway, and incase you want to know the phrase, here it is:

person 1: There's a house on fire!

person 2: What kind of house?

person 1: A terraced house.

person 2: Where?

person 1: Sidcup!


Blogger Sig F. Reid said...

dude, i see things are looking a bit for ya, eh. good then... thanks for the remarks

7:50 PM, September 16, 2005  

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