Thursday, March 12, 2009

woah, has it really been so long since i wrote something? eeek thats pretty crazy. well actually, no it isnt, because ive got 2 draft posts saved which im not sure need to be posted really, so its not like i was awol really.

discovered a few new writers who im considering investing in, one almost definitely because their book apparently quotes some ihm lyrics, and i love ihm - i mean they have songs about roy sullivan for fucks sake, you cant get more awesome.

and the other writes stories about a vampire who pays a couple hookers to stop having sex with a strap on and shut the fuck up so he can talk. not quite as awesome as songs about roy sullivan, but pretty near.

so i was meant to be going to manchester round about now, but its been postponed till next month. also considering apply for jobs - its gotta be done im afraid i cant live the dream forever - considering london, scotland, and scandinavia.

might be heading cross country in a couple of weeks again, not sure really, not heard the plans, but as long as i can afford it i think ill prolly go...'i think'...yeah like theres any doubt in my mind. chester then 'pool, should be mad crazy :)


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