Sunday, October 19, 2008

'you' vs 'them'

I think you're reading far too much into things, you do tend to have a habit of doing this - it's stated fact. You can't deny it. You also really don't pick up hints well. You need things spelling out to you nice and clearly, and even then it can take you a while to get the message.

Let me put it this way to you; if you think one thing, then it is highly likely that you have the complete wrong end of the stick.

Look at what they have. Ok, now why on earth would they trade that in? Talk about downgrading, regressing, taking a step backwards et al. Ain't gonna happen friend.

People only change what they have in order to get something better - that's when they have the choice to change, obviously some things change without people having much/any say in the matter - but on the whole I don't think anyone would willingly get rid of something good for something bad.

So should you get all this of your chest? My honest advice is no. You don't want to freak them out or scare them away or put them in the position where they have to either laugh it off or make up some way of letting you down gently.

Just disappear for a while.


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