Friday, October 10, 2008

am i really doing something that is so different to everyone else? i mean REALLY different? i didn't think so, but now i'm starting to wonder.

just pisses me off when theres so many knobheads out there who dont make any effort and there's me here busting a gut for absolutely feck all. really really pisses me off.

see i could just write what im actually thinking about, but why do that when i can create paragraph after paragraph interweaving a piss weak over arching metaphor about 'technique'.

i think almost everything is the result of certain actions, whether that's physical actions, or knowing the right thing to say at the right time, or whatever. that means that those actions can be studied and applied to another person.

some people are really good at drawing, i'm not. but i could be if i studied someone else's technique. if i studied how they approached a drawing, from composition, to sketching in the forms, to manipulating lighting etc etc. of course, a lot of this is down to practise, but given the right technique and enough time i could teach myself how to be a semi-decent artist. same goes for playing a musical instrument, or speaking a foreign language etc.

but what really grinds, is that i know my technique is good. the things i am doing are the 'right' things to do. hell, there are a lot of people with a technique that is far worse, and yet it still seems to deliver results for them. that's the thing that pisses me off.

technique then. important shit.

what i'm really talking about is a descriptive word. it starts with an L and ends in an S.


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